Best Ways to Detox the Body
Fasting is a popular way of detoxifying the body. Although medical doctors do not recognize fasting as a proven form of detoxification, it is popular amongst natural therapists. It is believed that fasting gives the organs a rest while the system is cleaned. Traditionally, a fast involves only drinking water for a certain number of days, but there are various other types of fasts intended to cleanse the body. The lemon honey fast involves adding 1 tbsp of honey, the juice of half a lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper to a cup of purified water. A person drinks 12 cups of the mixture for 3 to 10 days. Another fast involves only consuming fruit and vegetables for 3 to 10 days. The vegetables and fruit can be taken in raw form or as juice or soup. The chlorophyl in green vegetables is reported to help clear toxins from the body. It is important to speak with your doctor before undergoing any type of fast.
There are various herbs that help clear the body of toxins. Dandelion root is reported to clear the kidneys and liver. Marshmallow root, fennel and licorice root are used to cleanse the intestines. These can be taken in tea form. Add a teaspoon of the herbs, mixed or on their own, to a cup of boiled water. Allow the herbs to steep for 3 to 5 minutes and strain before drinking.
Psyllium husk or flax seeds can also be taken to cleanse the body through the intestines. They form a gel-like substance in the intestines as they absorb water and then sweep any debris out of the colon through bowel evacuation. You must drink a great deal of water when taking psyllium husk or flax seeds, as they absorb water in the body and need water to assist with bowel evacuation. You can add 1 tbsp. of either of these to water, juice, a smoothie or cereal.