Foods to Avoid to Cleanse Candida
Yeast-Containing Foods
Foods containing yeast must be avoided. These include most breads, bagels, rolls, beer, anything containing citric acid and vinegars.
Starchy vegetables contain sugar, which leads to Candida growth. These include corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, squash (except zucchini), parsnips, beets, peas, beans (except green beans), and canned or processed tomatoes (fresh are OK).
Sugary Foods
The list of sugary foods goes beyond tasty desserts and chocolate. Fruits, fruit juices, wine and most condiments are also high in sugars, which feed the Candida. Read ingredient labels, as sugar hides out under names that end in "-ose" (fructose, lactose, sucrose, etc.).
Mold and Fungi
Candida also likes to feed on molds and fungi. These can naturally occur in nuts. Of course, foods such as mushrooms and truffles should also be avoided.
People with yeast sensitivities are also often sensitive to gluten, which is found in foods containing wheat, oats, barley or rye.
Spicy of Hot Foods
Foods that are spicy, curried or "hot" can eat away at healthy bacteria in the stomach and should be avoided. Replace healthy bacteria with probiotics such as acidilophilus and bifidus.