Facts About Potassium
The body uses potassium to regulate pH balance, maintain fluid balance and to synthesize protein from amino acids. It is also used to store carbohydrates for later energy use. Muscle contraction, heart function and nerve transmission also rely on potassium.
Deficiency Symptoms
Because potassium is found in such a wide variety of foods, severe deficiency is rare. However, certain conditions--excessive fluid loss through diuretics, vomiting, diarrhea and sweating--can cause a potassium shortage. Intense physical activity can also deplete potassium levels. Symptoms of deficiency include muscle weakness, muscle cramps, confusion, irritability and fatigue.
Potassium supplementation may reduce high blood pressure caused by a high salt diet, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. Potassium supplements may also reduce risk of osteoporosis, according to Health News. This is because the body excretes calcium from bone when pH gets too acidic. Potassium in the system achieves the same effect--without bone loss.
In a 2004 report, the National Academy of Sciences recommends adults older than 20 consume 4,700 mg of potassium daily to counter the effect of the typical American diet, which is high in acidic foods and sodium. Older people and people with kidney problems, however, should not consume excess potassium. Kidneys become less efficient at excreting excess potassium as people age. Too much potassium in the blood can cause acidosis, arrhythmias and even heart attack. Symptoms include nausea, irregular heartbeat, fatigue, and numbness or tingling in hands and feet.
Excellent sources of potassium are potatoes, bananas, broccoli, mushrooms, avocado, kale, milk, yogurt, nuts, green beans, tofu, tomatoes, fish, celery, peanut butter, beets and black strap molasses. Milk mixed with black strap molasses (20 percent recommended daily allowance, or RDA, for potassium in just one tablespoon) can make a tasty, nutrient-dense snack.
Plant Nutrition
Potassium makes good plant fertilizer. Use the rinse water from cleaning empty milk and juice containers to water houseplants. This water contains a good balance of three key plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, according to Mother Earth News.