Fiber Foods for Children
Fiber is the indigestible bulk or roughage of plant and vegetable matter. Because it passes through the body unchanged, it adds few calories to a healthy diet while at the same time offering a source of energy.
Daily Fiber Requirement
According to the Mayo Clinic, children ages 2 to 3 require a minimum of 19 grams of fiber a day and children ages 4 to 8 require 25 grams a day.
Best Sources of Fiber for Children
Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are excellent sources of fiber. Legumes, beans, seeds, nuts and fortified breakfast cereals are other great fiber options.
Consuming too much fiber may result in gas, bloating and digestive discomfort. Increased fiber intake transports water out of the body, leading to dehydration. Increase water consumption with fiber intake.
Fiber is not present in meat, eggs or cheeses. Do not mistake animal products or other sources of lean proteins and calcium as sufficient sources of fiber.
Expert Insight
Fiber is a great way to keep children slim. Fiber fills up space in the small intestine and belly, making consumers feel fuller for longer.