Best Foods That Contain Magnesium
Whole grains, unprocessed and unrefined, are rich sources of magnesium. Included on the list are flours made of oats, soybeans and whole wheat, as well as wheat bran. Start your day with a magnesium-rich cereal such as oatmeal or shredded wheat, or sprinkle toasted wheat germ on top of fruit or cereal.
Fruits and Vegetables
Bananas and figs are the fruits containing the most magnesium, along with plums and prunes. To create a magnesium-rich salad, start with dark-green, leafy vegetables (seaweed tops the list) or spinach. Top with avocados (Florida avocados have 25 percent more magnesium per serving than California avocados). Serve a baked potato on the side for an extra boost of magnesium (but you must also eat the skin to get the full benefits,)
Nuts and Seeds
Eat almost any type of nut, and you can be fairly certain that you are getting a healthy dose of magnesium. Walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachio nuts, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pine nuts and cashews are all good sources of magnesium. Dried pumpkin seeds are one of the highest sources of magnesium available in food (304 mg per 2 ounces), with dried watermelon seeds and sunflower seeds ranking close behind with 292 mg and 200 mg, respectively.
In the bean family, the highest levels of magnesium can be found in tofu, soybeans, black beans and adzuki beans. Most other types of beans contain a moderate amount of magnesium, except for green beans, which are relatively low.
Other Sources
Blackstrap molasses is rich in magnesium, as are some herbs and spices, including marjoram, sage, basil, dill weed, coriander, cocoa powder and celery seed. Baked or broiled halibut contains twice the magnesium per 3-ounce serving of any other seafood, poultry or red meat. One ounce of unsweetened chocolate contains more magnesium than a 3-ounce serving of baked halibut.