Nutritional Value of Natto
Calories and Fat
A one-cup serving of Natto has 371 calories, 161 of them from fat. Natto is somewhat high in fat, as one serving has 30 percent of your daily value of fat. Of the 19 g of fat per serving, only 3 g are saturated fat. Natto is high in polyunsaturated fat, which is considered a healthy fat. There are 10.9 g of polyunsaturated fat in every serving.
Dietary Fiber
Natto is high in dietary fiber, thanks to the the soy beans in the product. One serving has 9.4 g of dietary fiber. This is 38 percent of your daily requirement for dietary fiber. Fiber helps to regulate the digestive system. Those who are having issues with constipation will want to increase their dietary fiber intake. Dietary fiber also may be able to help lower your cholesterol.
Soy is also high in protein. Natto is an excellent source or protein. A one-cup serving of natto has 31 g of protein. This is 62 percent of your daily recommended amount of protein. Protein is an important part of muscles and is relied on for muscle growth and muscle repair. Protein is also an important part of the hair, skin and nails and is needed to keep them healthy.
Natto is high in multiple vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin K, thiamin and riboflavin. One serving has 38 percent of your vitamin C, which is important for a healthy immune system. It also contains 51 percent of your daily amount of vitamin K, needed to help wounds heal. There is also 19 percent of your daily value of thiamin and 20 percent of your daily value of riboflavin, also known as vitamins B3 and B2. These are important for multiple processes on the body, including glycogenolysis (energy conversion in the body), according to Bayer.
Natto is also high in multiple minerals, with more than 20 percent of your daily value of nine major minerals in one serving. This includes 134 percent of your daily value of manganese. This also includes 84 percent of your daily value of iron. Iron is important for getting oxygen throughout the body in your blood. One cup of natto has 38 percent of your daily value of calcium, important for strong teeth and bones. Natto also has 36 percent of your daily value of potassium, needed for proper muscle usage.