What Is Best Way to Clean Your Colon?

There are many ways to clean your colon and a myriad of products that promise to do the job quickly and easily. Before you take the final step, however, you should consider the pros and cons of each method and choose one according to your health, lifestyle and desired results.
  1. For Speed

    • If speed is a concern, laxatives can provide quick relief without serious side effects. There are numerous types of laxatives, and some are more natural than others. The most common include bulk-forming laxatives, which are basically fiber supplements that absorb water and cause the stool to soften, and stimulants, which cause the intestine to contract and expel the feces at a faster rate than normal. Stool softeners, osmotics (which cause bowel distension) and chloride channel activators (the only laxatives recommended for long-term use) are other options.

      Laxatives can cause secondary effects if abused, including cramps, runny stools and dependency. However, as a one-time colon cleanse ritual, they can provide quick and effective relief. Most laxatives take 8-10 hours to work, so you should schedule your day with that in mind. If you're planning a deep cleanse over a period of 2-3 days, try doing it over the weekend, when you can stay at home.

    For a Full Cleanse

    • If you want a full cleanse that can be done all at once, a colonic may be the answer. Performed at spas and medical centers, this involves the use of purified water and a vacuum-like tube, though which the water is inserted into the anus and then flushed away along with any debris that may be present in the colon. Colonics can clean material that is stuck on the walls of the intestines and is a good option for those who are trying to start a better diet or who want to feel healthier.

    If You Want Something Natural

    • If you rather not put chemicals into your body, then you should look into natural colon cleansing. This involves the use of herbs, fiber supplements and a large amount of water, all of which need to be consumed for a period of several days to obtain results. There are also colon cleanse products in the market that have combined these items for you and can be taken in the form of a tea or tablet.

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