Nutrition & Hydration During Exercise
Nutrition, Hydration Basics
When you exercise, your body uses the food you eat for energy. It also uses the water and other fluids you drink to transport nutrients, eliminate toxins and waste and regulate body temperature. Eating the wrong kinds of food will deprive your body of vitamins and other nutrients it needs to perform well. Without proper hydration, your body's temperature may increase to dangerous levels, resulting in heat illness.
According to Exercise Physiologist Richard Weil, a loss of 1 percent to 2 percent of body weight may begin to affect cardiovascular and muscle function and performance. The heart rate may increase up to three to five beats per minute for every percentage of body weight loss.
Therefore, proper nutrition and hydration is very important for exercise.
Before Exercise
Eat larger meals three to four hours before exercise. A smaller amount (such as bananas, bagels or fruit) may be eaten one to two hours before exercise, according to the Mayo Clinic. Carbohydrates, such as whole grain breads and fruit, provide glucose to the muscles to improve performance.
The American Council on Exercise (ACE) recommends drinking 17 to 20 ounces (roughly 500 to 600 milliliters) of water two hours before exercise.
During Exercise
Drink one cup of water (8 ounces) every 20 minutes of exercise to replace water lost through sweat. If the exercise is very intense and lasts more than 1 ½ hours, eat a sports bar or drink a sports drink like Gatorade to replace carbohydrates burned up by exercise. Do not drink beverages containing alcohol or caffeine because these promote dehydration.
Muscle cramping or spasms, headache, dizziness, weakness, vomiting, nausea, fatigue and enlarged pupils are each signs of heat-related illness. If these symptoms occur, stop the activity, drink some water and seek medical attention if necessary.
After Exercise
ACE recommends drinking at least 8 ounces of water after exercising and 16 to 24 ounces of water for every pound of body weight lost during exercise. The Mayo Clinic recommends eating a meal of protein and carbohydrates within two hours of exercise to help your muscles recover and replace glycogen stores.
At mealtimes, concentrate on protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed foods and added sugar, fat and salt.
If you are on a special diet for health reasons, such as diabetes or heart disease, consult a doctor or nutritionist before changing your diet.
Keep a water bottle handy to remind you to drink.