Afternoon Energy Booster Foods
Calories and Caffeine
A snack that contains between 200 and 300 calories will provide the energy boost you need to carry you through the afternoon and prevent you from being ravenously hungry by dinner time, provided the calories in those foods are not mostly from sugar. Sugar is metabolized quickly by the body and it does provide a quick burst of energy. Because it is metabolized so quickly, though, foods containing processed sugar will leave you feeling even more tired later in the afternoon.
Caffeine, while calorie-free, is often found in food that contains a lot of sugar, such as sodas and mocha lattes. Like sugar, caffeine provides a quick burst of energy that quickly dissipates, leaving you more tired and hungry than before. Fats, protein, whole grains and fiber are metabolized more slowly. Foods high in these nutrients provide a steady supply of energy over a longer period of time.
There are a variety of tasty, nutrient-dense foods that are safe to store right in your desk for quick access when you need an afternoon energy boost. Nuts are an excellent source of long lasting energy. The standard serving size for most nuts is an ounce and a half , which is approximately 20 to 24 almonds, 28 whole peanuts or seven walnuts and between 150 to 200 calories. Nuts are high in fiber, so they are filling. They are also high in calories, so portion control is important when you enjoy these natural energy boosters.
Another good energy boosting option is a whole grain, high protein bar containing less than 16g for sugar and at least 4g of fiber to help you make it through the afternoon.
Dried Friut
Dried fruit is another filling, easy to store, energy boosting food. Look for single serving boxes or pouches. Dried fruits, like nuts, are high in calories so single serving packages make portion control easier.
Energy Foods That Require Some Preparation
A little preparation at home will allow you an even greater variety of energy boosting foods. An afternoon snack consisting of 1 oz. of protein (lean lunch meats, 2 tsp. of peanut butter or 1 oz. of cheese or hummus) plus 1 oz. of whole grains (a slice of bread, half a pita, whole grain crackers or a tortilla) and a piece of fruit will give you the energy you need without excess sugar, calories or fat.
A 4 to 8-oz. carton of low fat yogurt topped with 1 oz. of a high fiber cereal is easy to eat while you keep working.
Microwavable Foods
If there is a microwave available, microwave popcorn, whole grain organic burritos and enchiladas are good high fiber, energy boosting foods.