Weight Loss With Cinnamon
Cinnamon can be found in the inner bark of an evergreen tree in the tropics.
Cinnamon Recipe For Weight Loss
Cinnamon has been found to be quite helpful with weight loss. A mixture can be made by using a half-teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 1 tsp. of honey. Boil it together in water and then pour in a mug. Drink a cup 30 minutes before breakfast and then 30 minutes prior to falling asleep. Abiding by this ritualistically can help with weight loss. The reason is that the consistency keeps fat from being able to accumulate.
The Reason For Cinnamon's Effectiveness With Weight Loss
This cinnamon drink is effective because it inhibits the accumulation of fat in the system. In addition, cinnamon helps to break down blood sugar, keeping it from turning into fat. Cinnamon is considered to be the most effective with abdominal weight.
The Overall Health Benefits Of Cinnamon
Cinnamon actually has a wide array of benefits other than for weight loss. It is considered to be a strong stimulant for the glands. It can be helpful in easing upset stomachs with its antacid effect. There is proof through studies that taking a half-teaspoon of cinnamon is an aid in lowering LDL cholesterol levels. It can also be helpful in regulating blood sugar levels for people who have Type 2 diabetes.
An article published in the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland touts cinnamon as helpful in lowering the production of lymphoma and leukemia cancer cells. It can aid in anti-clotting in the blood cells, while warding off the growth of bacteria. It can help with bladder infections, easing pain in arthritic joints and it can also be used as a breath freshener.
It is also used in perfumes.