The Raw Detox
Raw Food Diet
"The Raw Food Detox Diet," written by Natalia Rose, outlines the raw food diet plan. Dieters eat unprocessed foods, organic foods, and whole foods. These foods are often eaten blended or juiced, while legumes and grains are generally allowed to sprout before eating. Dehydrated foods can also be eaten.
Why Choose Raw
According to the Vegetarian Times, raw foods contain a large amount of water, are full of nutrients, and contain vitamins A,C, and E. Raw foods are a good source of chlorophyll, amino acids, proteins, as well as a great source of live cultures.
Diet Foods
Rose recommends that raw diets include fruits and vegetables as its foundation. Nuts, seeds, dried fruits, Thai young coconuts, avocados, olive oil and goat cheese are all specific eating recommendations.
Diet Levels
There are five diet levels in the raw detox diet. They range in strictness from Level 5, the easiest, to Level 1, the most strict.
The Level 5 diet allows practitioners to eat 75 percent of their diet as raw foods with one cooked vegetarian meal a day. Level 5 dieters are allowed to eat moderate amounts of animal products such as goat cheese, eggs, chicken and fish.
Level 1 has followers eat only raw fruits and vegetables most days. This level is closely aligned to a vegan diet; However salmon is allowed once a week.
Levels 4 to 2 help to ease the transition from the Level 5 eating plan to the Level 1 plan. During this transitional time, side effects like nausea and headaches can occur. A person should never switch from a cooked food diet to a raw diet all at once.
Weight Loss
Weight loss is easily achieved during the detoxification process of this diet. Because most foods are eaten in the raw or natural state, there are generally few calories consumed during this diet. Many raw foods have both a high water and high fiber content, which also aids in weight loss.
It is important when following this detox diet that enough protein is consumed. This can be accomplished by eating legumes, nuts and seeds.
Always remember to consult a physician before implementing any diet detox plan.