Why to Avoid Foods High in Acid
Water is the most abundant compound in the human body. It accounts for 70% of our biological make-up. Therefore, eating foods that naturally possess water is beneficial for any diet. Foods containing acid are deprived of oxygen. If the blood is deprived of oxygen, so are the cells, and the body stores excess reserves of acid that can later become toxins.
In this fast-food culture we stray from for a more natural, plant-based diet. When acid is the prevalent element in your diet you may develop acidosis. This prevents the body from absorbing minerals, vitamins and food supplements. Toxins build up faster and the body becomes susceptible to illness and disease. Acidosis may be experienced as:
Signs os Acidosis
-Cardiovascular damage
-Kidney stones
-Aching muscles
-Slow digestion
-Pale complexion
-Inflammation of eyelids and corneas
Diet Modification
A diet that is 70 percent alkaline and 20 percent to 30 percent acid is ideal to maintain a proper pH in the body. All acidic content need not be removed from the diet. It is a very necessary compound, but it is the over-indulgence of these foods must be avoided. Acid forms sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium that are used by the body in fortification and repair. With just a few simple diet changes, a well balanced 70:30 alkaline to acid ratio is possible.
Cut back on acid culprits such as pastries, highly processed foods, red meat and sodas. A simple substitution of brown rice instead of white rice is also beneficial. Other substitutions are whole wheat bread and flour over bleached flour; brown sugar or honey instead of granulated white sugar; natural fruit juices instead of sodas. Consume raw nuts over roasted and salted and honey roasted. Also, choose natural, free range eggs.
Ways to Avoid Acid Production
Acid is produced in the body by the foods we ingest and also by stress and emotions such as anxiety, pain and fear. Regular moderate exercise, yoga, deep breathing or confiding in someone are good ways to manage these emotions. In addition to diet modification, you can take supplements such as vitamins A and D, calcium and magnesium. You can also drink alkaline vegetable juices like a celery, carrot and beet mixture.
Sample Dishes
Consider the following meal options:
Spinach salad and ahi tuna
1 cup brown rice, steamed vegetables, grilled chicken breast
1 cup brown rice and black beans with steamed broccoli
2 scrambled free range eggs and 1 slice of whole wheat toast
The ratio in these examples is 70:30 alkaline to acid. The key to remembering this ratio is to eat more foods as close to their natural plant based origin as possible.