Marie Callender's Pot Pie Nutritional Information
Fat and Calories
One full Marie Callender's chicken pot pie is considered one serving. One pie has 667 calories, over half of which come from fat. Of the 41 g of fat in one pie, 12 g are saturated fat, and 2 g are trans fat. These are unhealthy fats that may lead to heart issues later in life. One pie also includes 16.3 g of monounsaturated fat, which is considered a healthier fat.
Sodium and Dietary Fiber
One Marie Callender's chicken pot pie has 42 percent of your daily value of sodium: 1002 mg per pie. Sodium is needed for the body, for certain actions such as muscle contraction and nerve transmission, but too much sodium can cause issues such as hypertension.
One serving of this product has 3 g of dietary fiber. This is 11 percent of your daily value of dietary fiber. This is important for a regular digestive system, as it aids in the digestion process in the intestines. According to World's Healthiest Foods, dietary fiber helps you manage both cholesterol and blood sugar.
Marie Callender's chicken pot pie provides 19.4 g of protein per serving, 39 percent of your daily value of protein. Protein is important for both muscle growth and muscle repair. Protein is also a crucial building block of your eyes, nails and hair.
One serving of Marie Callender's chicken pot pie provides 2127 IUs of vitamin A, or 43 percent of your daily value of vitamin A. Vitamin A is a crucial part of development for your bones and teeth. This vitamin is also known for helping with vision.
Marie Callender's chicken pot pie is an excellent source of iron. One pie provides 4.1 mg, which comes to 23 percent of your daily value of iron. Iron helps move the oxygen in the blood through the body