Foods That Strengthen the Brain
How Foods Can Help Brain Power
The brain is full of cells and neural pathways which require a healthy circulation system. "The Brain Power Cookbook" explains which nutrients support brain activity. Some nutrients, like omega fatty acids, are specifically designed to keep those cells functioning at their best, while also making sure they can reproduce as needed. Brain tissues also need to be kept strong, which is possible with an adequate intake of these essential fatty acids. Other nutrients, like antioxidants, protect these brain cells from toxins that can accumulate over time. Protein helps the brain transmit information to the rest of the body.
Best Foods for Strengthening the Brain
Omega fatty acids are gaining in popularity as literature exposes their importance in supporting the brain. The book "Superfoods Rx" explains that the rise of many diseases like heart attacks and strokes could be attributed to a lack of this fatty acid. Foods rich in omega fatty acids include nuts, seafood, soy, and flax seeds. Foods high in antioxidants are fruits and vegetables: the darker the color, the higher the fruit is in antioxidants. Therefore, dark-colored fruits like cherries, plums, raisins, grapes, and blueberries are all high in antioxidants. For foods high in protein, turn to the meat and seafood aisle. Vegetarians can eat eggs and drink milk, while vegans can eat soy products like tofu for enough protein.
Foods to Avoid
Some foods have a harmful effect on the brain. Some foods contain fats that are altered, thereby mutating the shape of cell membranes. Trans fats, found in partially hydrogenated oils, have a chemical composition that can hurt brain cells by making them rigid and unable to function normally. The Franklin Institute published an article which states that researchers found a link between poor cellular growth and trans fats. The same cellular damage can occur when fats are cooked, since many fats are extremely heat-sensitive. Stay away from foods which have any partially hydrogenated oils in the ingredients, as well as fried foods.
Tips for Choosing the Best Food
Though some foods might contain beneficial fatty acids, be sure to weigh their other nutritional values like fat and cholesterol. For example, red meat might contain protein for a healthy brain, but its high amount of fat, calories, and cholesterol could make it a poor choice in lieu of other better choices like flax seeds. Similarly, choose fish with low mercury levels like shrimp and salmon instead of swordfish.
Diet is just one aspect of keeping the brain healthy. Exercise is proven to improve brain functions as well. Keep the brain active by engaging in mentally stimulating challenges like chess and other puzzles. (See the AARP link under Resources for other ways to keep the brain healthy.)