Food That Detox the Body
Definition of Detox
"Detox," or detoxification, is a term used when the diet's purpose is to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. "The Detox Book" explains that toxins are consumed through food and also ingested from the environment, including air pollution and water contaminants. Toxins in food come from processed sugars, trans fats, mercury from fish and other sources. Therefore, a detox diet attempts to clean these toxins from our body.
How Foods Can Detox the Body
Some foods contain nutrients that naturally fight the toxins, or eradicate them. Fiber is one such cleansing agent. Fiber clings to food particles stuck in the colon, grabs these toxic particles and then eliminates them via digestions. Antioxidants are capable of fighting the toxin, free radicals. The book, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" explains that free radicals are formed from pollutants like household cleaners, cigarette smoke, radiation and even basic metabolic processes. Free radicals cause aging and cellular damage. Antioxidants help fight free radicals by stabilizing the rogue oxygen molecule. Water-rich foods can also detoxify the body. Water is a cleansing agent that replenishes cells and ensures healthy cellular reproduction. Foods high in natural fatty acids also detox the body: these fats provide cell layers as a shield against toxins.
Select the Best Foods for Detox
Based on the knowledge of how foods can detox the body, stock the cart full of foods that have these detoxifying nutrients. The foods high in antioxidants, water, and fiber are fruits, leafy greens and vegetables. A small sample of high-fiber foods includes avocados, mushrooms, carrots, beans, oranges, nuts, prunes, dried fruits and berries. Water-rich fruits include tomatoes, melons, sprouts, cucumbers. Detox foods high in fatty acids are raw walnuts and raw almonds.
Choose a Detox Diet
When considering a detox, look to meal plans from popular detox diets. Juice cleanses focus on drinking fresh fruit juice and water for a few days to a few months. Those adhering to a raw food diet eat only raw fruits, nuts, seeds, sprouts, leafy greens and other unprocessed whole foods. The Hallelujah Diet and the Seventh Day Adventist diet are similar to the raw food diet, but have their foundation in religion. Research each of these diets and see which is a good fit for your lifestyle.
Strict detox diets usually omit nutritious foods, like grains and protein sources from soy or meat. Sometimes, too much emphasis is placed on fruit while ignoring leafy greens and vegetables. Such a strict, unbalanced diet can result in protein or mineral deficiencies. If you wish to attempt a detox diet, consider taking supplements. Also be sure to consult a nutritionist to ensure your diet is well-rounded and provides all nutrients.