What Are the Benefits of Having a Good Diet?
There are six essential nutrients your body needs every day: water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. A diet lacking in any of these cannot be considered a good diet. Carbohydrates should be complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat, as opposed to simple carbs such as refined white sugar. Fats need to be healthy fats, like those in nuts and avocados, not trans fats. Vitamins needed for a good diet are vitamin A; the vitamin B complex, which includes thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12 and biotin; and vitamins C, D, E, and K.
Carbohydrates and fats are sources of energy. Fats are also needed for myelin production. Myelin is a layer of fat which covers and protects the nerves and neurons in the brain. Protein largely makes up the skin, hair, muscles and bones. Protein is also needed to form antibodies which fight disease and infection. Vitamin A supports healthy teeth, soft tissues and mucous membranes. Vitamin B12 supports the nervous system and helps maintain metabolism. Omega-3 fats improve memory and other brain functions.
There are many diet plans. Some are meant for weight loss, some are meant to control health conditions such as diabetes, some are meant for athletes and other highly physically-active people and some are actually meant to help one gain weight. There are diets for those who have a moral objection to eating animal products, such as vegetarianism, veganism or the raw food diet. There are also special diets for those who have various food allergies or intolerances (lactose intolerance, celiac disease). No matter what diet you follow, it needs to contain all the essential nutrients in order to be a good diet.
There are many benefits to a healthy diet. One is the ability to maintain a proper weight. Another is a strong cardiovascular system. Your heart will function better and for a longer time with a good diet. Good diets result in more energy and less fatigue during the day. They also help you to get better sleep at night. Good diets can help reduce the threat of certain kinds of cancer and of developing diabetes as well.
Effects of a Bad Diet
Bad diets cause a number of serious health problems. Some diabetes is caused by diet and weight gain. Heart disease is tied to unhealthy diets. Some birth defects are caused by insufficient vitamins and nutrients in the womb. High blood pressure can also be the result of a bad diet.
Good diets are not only those low in calories or low in fat. The body needs a certain amount of calories and fats to function correctly. Not getting enough calories and healthy fats can result in health problems. Eating a diet too low in calories can result in fatigue, depression, hair loss, loss of sex drive and loss of the ability to heal. Eating a diet without any healthy fats can harm your immune and nervous systems.