How to Eat for Alkaline
Things You'll Need
- pH food chart
- alkaline-forming foods
- alkaline supplements
Distinguish between acid-forming and alkaline-forming foods. The former are often breads, milk and other dairy products, meats, and beverages like soda and alcohol. Instead, to eat for alkaline formation, you should consume more green vegetables along with items like soy-based foods, bean sprouts and seed varieties.
Obtain an alkaline-acid comparison chart. One of these, such as the one at gives you an extensive list of which foods to seek out, moderate and avoid. A chart like this might also categorize foods into types such as vegetables, proteins, grains and fruits, so that you can better mix and match them for a balanced diet and recipe ideas.
Supplement with alkaline water. The market offers a number of alkaline supplements that you can add to water consumption. They often come in dropper bottles and with specific instructions for how many doses you should take daily. Be sure to follow these instructions to the letter and to consult your physician before beginning a related regimen.
Recognize numbers. In order to represent either the danger or value of different foods, you may see a numeric value associated with the food item that is accompanied by a plus or minus sign, such as 26+ or 6.2-. You want to incorporate foods marked with the highest positive numbers to eat for alkaline. Those with negative numeric values mark foods that tend to be the most acid-forming.