Directions for BSN Nitrix
Ingest three tablets of Nitrix with a glass of water shortly after waking up in the morning. Ingest four tablets of Nitrix if you weigh more than 200 pounds. Do not eat food when taking Nitrix, as it can reduce the product's effectiveness.
Ingest three more tablets of Nitrix 30 to 45 minutes before eating lunch, or two hours after eating lunch. Swallow with a glass of water. Increase this dosage to four tablets if you weigh more than 200 pounds.
Swallow three tablets of Nitrix 30 to 45 minutes before eating dinner, or two hours after eating this meal. Take these tablets with a glass of water. Take four tablets of Nitrix if you weigh over 200 pounds.
Avoid taking more than 10 g of glutamine or glutamine-containing supplements each day that you take Nitrix. According to BSN, glutamine reduces the effectiveness of Nitrix. Note that many protein powders contain glutamine.
Drink in excess of one gallon of water each day. In addition to taking Nitrix with a glass of water, make sure to stay properly hydrated, especially before and after each training session. Your blood consists of 83 percent water, and dehydration that leads to decreased blood volume will limit the benefits of an improved bloodflow.
Cycle your use of Nitrix by continuing to use it for 12 weeks straight and then not taking it for four weeks before taking Nitrix again. BSN recommends this cycling pattern in its product instructions. Please note that while the Mayo Clinic reports that individuals have tolerated arginine "in studies lasting up to six months," the "WebMD" website states that "the safety of long-term arginine supplement use is not clear."