How to Find Estrogenic Herbs
Talk to your doctor before making a decision to use herbs. Some estrogenic herbs interfere with prescription drugs, particularly drugs used for cancer treatments. Phytoestrogens have been shown to increase cancer cell growth rates in post-menopausal women being treated for breast or uterine cancers. For this reason estrogenic herbs are not advised for women with cancer risk.
Discuss your symptoms with an herbalist or holistic healer. There are many herbs with estrogenic properties, and a professional will help you find the one that most closely matches your needs. For example, if you experience intense hot flashes, dong quai might be recommended because it also helps strengthen blood vessels, which helps your body regulate body temperature.
Grow your own estrogenic herbs to save money over time. Some estrogenic herbs grow easily in your backyard, such as black cohosh, dong quai and wild yam, which has also been shown to lower cholesterol.
Purchase herbs only from a legitimate retailer. Since there are no federal regulations on herbal remedies, beware of scams and fake products. Herbal shops do still fall under small business laws though, so look for information about the retailer from an organization such as the Better Business Bureau.