Foods to Eat for a Lack of Iron
Iron from meat sources is known as heme iron. Meats are an excellent source of iron as well as protein. Liver is considered the most iron-rich meat, with 12.8 mg in 3 1/2 ounces. This is followed by oysters, beef, lamb, clams and sardines. Generally, the darker the meat, the more iron it contains, so red meats are higher in iron. Other meats that contain iron are turkey, chicken, shrimp, tuna, halibut, crab and pork. Eggs are also a good source of iron.
Vegetables and Fruits
Dried fruits retain much of their nutritional value. Non-heme iron is found in plant foods, including spinach, turnip and beet greens, potatoes, green beans, peas, broccoli and even watermelon. Tomatoes and bok choy also contain iron. The plants highest in iron are sea vegetables, such as kelp, and Swiss chard, which is spinach-like and related to the beet. Figs, apricots and prunes are fruits that offer a good source of iron and make good, sweet-tasting snacks when dried.
Nuts, Seeds, Legumes
Almonds have the most nutritional value of all nuts. These small foods contain surprisingly high amounts of iron. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, lentils, pinto beans, navy beans, chick peas and black eyed beans all contain iron. Nuts are an excellent source of iron and come in wide variety, from almonds -- which rank highest in iron -- to hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios and coconuts. Pine nuts, acorns and pecans come in second, and peanuts contain iron but are actually not nuts; they are legumes.
Other Food Sources
Amaranth, millet and quinoa are whole grains high in iron. Soy products are very good foods to eat for a lack of iron. These include tofu, soy beans and soy milk. Goji berries, which grow in China, Mongolia and Tibet, have been found to contain over 15 times more iron than spinach. Enriched and whole grains that are used for breads and cereals are good sources of iron, as well as molasses. There are many options when it comes to choosing foods that provide good nutritional iron supplementation, and the wide variety will enhance any diet.