Whey Powder Specifications
Nutrition Facts
According to the Livestrong Daily Plate, a 31 g serving of whey protein contains approximately 210 calories. The serving size has 2 g fat, 1 g of saturated fat and 70 mg of cholesterol, which is 23 percent of the daily allowance. Whey protein is packed with 21 g of protein per serving. The protein contains 15 percent of the daily calcium allowance and 4 percent of the iron recommended daily allowance.
Branched Chain Amino Acids
Whey protein powder provides amino acids, which form the building blocks for nails, skin, muscles and other body tissues. Whey possesses all of the required essential amino acids and is especially important to athletes who demand up to twice the recommended daily allowance of protein. Whey is high in branched chain amino acids, BCAAs, which are processed directly into muscle tissue. BCAAs aid in the rebuilding and repairing of muscle tissue post workout.
Leucine is an essential amino acid present in whey that promotes muscle growth and muscle protein synthesis. Physically active individuals benefit from eating a diet rich in leucine and possess more lean muscle tissue and less fat versus individuals who lack leucine in their diet. According to the Whey Protein Institute, whey protein isolate, the purest form of whey, contains almost 50 percent more leucine than soy protein isolate. Whey has higher levels of leucine than milk protein, egg protein or soy protein.
Weight Management
Your body burns more calories when digesting protein compared to fats and carbohydrates. This thermic effect makes whey protein powder an ideal supplement for people who want to maintain a healthy weight. The protein is also a low fat and low carbohydrate food. Whey slows the absorption of glucose into the blood stream which lowers insulin levels and reduces hunger. The protein promotes the release of the appetite-suppressing hormones cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide-1.