What Are Pharmaton Capsules?
The main ingredient of Pharmaton capsules is natural panax ginseng extract, a root plant known for its calming effect and widely accepted as a natural remedy for stress and tiredness. The capsules contain a variety of vitamins, including vitamins A, C, D and B, and minerals, including iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium. Arachis oil, also known as peanut oil, is also used in Pharmaton capsules. This has no medicinal value, but acts as a substance to carry these ingredients and help them be absorbed into the human body.
Reasons for Taking Pharmaton
Pharmaton capsules are marketed as a vitamin and mineral supplement with added ginseng. The main reason people use Pharmaton capsules is to help improve general vitality and health. They are not a specific medicine intended to cure or alleviate a particular illness or ailment. Instead, if the capsules are taken regularly and over a prolonged period of time, they will help to prevent the user from being susceptible to common illness by boosting the immune system.
Effects of Taking Pharmaton
Pharmaton capsules are used to help alleviate the symptoms of stress, weakness and general daily fatigue. The manufacturing company of Pharmaton capsules claims that the result of eliminating everyday stress means the users' physical performance and mental focus is improved. Another claimed effect of regularly taking the capsules is a strengthening of the immune system. The effectiveness of the medication depends on the user and external influences in her everyday live.
As with all medication, there are risks to consider before taking Pharmaton Capsules. Boehringer Ingelheim has thoroughly tested them and has told consumers that they are safe. The recommended dosage is one capsule every day, but taking more than the recommended dosage could be harmful to the health of the user. People who are allergic to peanuts should avoid Pharmaton capsules because of the use of arachis oil, derived from peanuts, in the ingredients.