The Uses for Pollen
Energy Supplement
In the 1970s bee pollen began to gain popularity as athletes gave testimonials claiming it increased their stamina and ability through its nutritional benefits. These claims have not been widely substantiated, but the nutritional elements of bee pollen have. One of the main preferences for using bee pollen is that it contains such a large number of benefits from one source it can eliminate taking a handful of supplements in favor of just one product. High energy levels from taking it as a supplement could result from the carbohydrates, protein, amino acids and vitamins it contains in a concentrated form.
Allergy Relief
It is well known that immunizations work by injecting the body with something that causes illness in a small amount, thus causing the body to create its own immunity. Many who suffer from allergies are treated with bee pollen in this same manner. The protein and nutritional value of the pollen is thought to assist the respiratory system and strengthen the body while building immunity. This method is controversial however, because in some cases extreme allergic reaction can take place, especially to those who have a reaction to bee stings. You should not attempt this without a doctor's assistance.
General Health Benefits
Traditional uses of bee pollen as listed by include constipation relief, prostate health, wound healing, and ease of PMS and menopausal symptoms. Very few of these claims have been substantiated by studies, but the use of bee pollen has been documented back to ancient times, and the pollen itself found in archeological digs was still intact. Because it is not an actual medicine, dosing varies depending on the manufacturer. You should not take supplements for medical means unless you consult a doctor, especially for existing conditions.
Aging and Antioxidants
Bee pollen for certain contains a large amount of nutrient value and antioxidant properties. Antioxidants reduce oxidation and free radicals in the body that cause tissue deterioration. The anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties of bee pollen also assist in the body resisting infections. The bee pollen can assist the body in slowing down the aging effects and cardiovascular degeneration.