DMG Foods
Dimethylglycine is derived from amino acids. Its chemical formula is (CH3)2NCH2COOH. It occurs naturally in some foods and in the bodies of animals including humans. Levels of DMG are normally higher during the early stages of life and decline over time. There are claims that low levels of DMG leave humans more prone to suffering from stress and infection, but there is no medical evidence that attributes any negative physiological effects to a DMG deficiency.
DMG has a variety of proposed uses. It is touted as a good source of energy and as being able to enhance the metabolism. It has also been used to enhance the immune system and treat autism. In 1999 and 2001, medical studies were conducted that found no difference between the use of DMG and placebos in both children and adults with autism. There is also no medical evidence to back the claims of DMG's ability to strengthen athletes. It has also been suggested by some medical science that DMG may lead to the development of carcinogenic matter in the intestines.
Food Sources
The foods that naturally contain DMG are meat and some grains. The grains cited as having DMG include the types of grains commonly found in cereal. Liver is also home to some DMG. There is also DMG present in various types of beans. The levels of DMG is not high in any of these foods. If you are seeking higher levels of DMG in your diet, simply seeking it in these foods might not be enough to get the results you seek.
DMG is available as a nutritional supplement. It can be purchased at most health food or vitamin stores. Because it is classified as "food," this wide availability is possible. It does not require a prescription or any other kind of strict regulation. It can be readily purchased and consumed by anybody who thinks it can give them