How to Discover How Lecithin Benefits Your Health
Lecithin assists brain cells to communicate effectively so memory remains strong. Try lecithin to improve memory and brain function. Lecithin supplies the substance acetylcholine, which helps brain cells communicate effectively. Acetylcholine is missing in Alzheimer's patients. A study published in the Annals of Neurology found that including lecithin supplements in their diet helped improve the memories of six of eight Alzheimer's patients. Taking lecithin supplements can also improve memory in people as they age.
Lecithin reduces the risk of blocked arteries. Reduce your cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health with lecithin. Lecithin works by moving fats and bad (LDL) cholesterol through the bloodstream so these substances do not attach to the artery walls and block arteries. One study by the Washington University School of Medicine found that adding lecithin to the diet also reduced the risk of diabetes, lowered blood pressure and lowered cholesterol levels by regulating fat metabolism in the liver.
Prevent gallstones and improve gallbladder health with lecithin. Lecithin is one component of bile that is created in the gallbladder and aides in food digestion. According to the Huntington College of Health Sciences, studies found that people who have low levels of lecithin in their bodies are more prone to developing gallstones. The researchers concluded it may be advisable to add lecithin supplements to the diet to decrease the risk of gallstones.
Lecithin assists in the development of a healthy fetus. Increase the chances of a healthy baby. Lecithin is an essential component in the development of the brain and nervous system in fetuses. Lecithin is generally included in prenatal vitamins because the fetus depletes the mother of essential lecithin and it is necessary to replace it.
Prevent liver damage by taking lecithin. According to the Huntington College of Health Sciences, studies show that nutritional deficiencies that result from excessive alcohol consumption cause fat deposits and put the liver at risk for cirrhosis. Lecithin assists in removing fat deposits from the liver, lowering the risk of developing cirrhosis.