Xango 8 Day Blitz Information
XanGo claims that the mangosteen fruit contains antioxidants that provide numerous health benefits, such as neutralizing free radicals, improving skin and joint functions, and supporting body systems.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the mangosteen fruit does contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties; however, there have been no clinical studies to determine its health effects on humans.
In 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning letter to XanGo about printing health claims on its distribution materials. The FDA required XanGo to change its labeling and modify unsubstantiated health claims.
The Mayo Clinic advises people to consume mangosteen fruit and/or juice if they like the taste, but states that health claims are undocumented. XanGo products range in price depending on quantity, with one bottle of XanGo juice costing $38 and a case of singles costing $126, as of early 2011.