Vitamins & Minerals to Eliminate Antigens in the Body
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant and performs many vital functions within the body. Vitamin C is thought to help fight off the common cold and reduce the likelihood of certain cancers. It helps clump cells together, which helps the body's immune system recognize antigens faster to try to fight off the antigen earlier. Vitamin C is also essential in absorption of iron and maintaining healthy vessel walls. It is water soluble which means the body does not store it and the vitamin can be taken everyday. Foods that contain vitamin C are oranges, limes, grapefruit, tomatoes and green peppers.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is required for healthy eyes and skin. It is also vital to maintain a healthy immune system. Many foods, such as carrots and sweet potatoes, are high in beta carotene which increases the number of infection fighting cells and T-cells which help remove antigens from the body. Beta carotene is converted inside the body to vitamin A, which is fat soluble and does not need to be taken everyday. Other common foods with vitamin A or beta carotene are broccoli, leafy green vegetables and squash.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that helps boost the immune system. The vitamin is also known for thinning the blood. Other benefits of vitamin E include protecting muscle and nerves, protection from eye disorders and even defense against rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin E may also help in anti-aging and asthma. Vitamin E is also fat soluble and does not need to be consumed everyday. Foods that contain vitamin E include corn, soybeans and brown rice. The oils extracted from corn, soy and cottonseed also contain high levels of vitamin E.
Zinc plays a vital role in protein synthesis and cell production in the immune system. Zinc is known to help aid in the healing of wounds and keeping skin clear of acne and eczema. Zinc is also closely linked with prostate health in men. Low levels of zinc have been linked to enlarged prostates and prostate cancer. Foods high in zinc include oysters, crabs, shrimp, peanuts, beef, turkey and whole grains.
Selenium is a mineral that has been used to fight viral infections and may even slow the progression of HIV/AIDS. Selenium is also vital to regular liver function in the body. According to the Nutritional Health Supplements website, selenium is combined with vitamin C and E to help fight against breast cancer, aging and heart disease. Foods that are high in selenium include seafood, liver, Brazilian nuts and poultry. Oats and brown rice are typically good sources of selenium but will vary based on the soil where the oats and rise were raised.