How to Use Goat Milk to Improve the Immune System
Goat milk has many health benefits because it contains more minerals, proteins and digestive enzymes than cow milk. Goat milk is also similar in structure to human milk, which makes it much easier for humans to digest, even if they are lactose intolerant or have respiratory problems. Drinking goat milk may have some impact on the increase of a person's immunity when drank regularly, but few scientific studies prove that goat milk will improve the immunity as a whole.Instructions
Replace all intake of cow milk with goat milk. Goat milk is easier to digest for children and adults alike and has many beneficial proteins, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the human immune system.
Give goat milk to infants rather than cow milk or even powdered formula. Goat milk contains all of the nutrition necessary to support the healthy growth of infants with no additional supplements, according to a 1981 study conduced by Dairy Industries International. Goat milk is easier for infants to digest and is a viable alternative to powdered formulas.
Drink goat milk to increase the natural accumulation of chlorine, silicon and fluorine in the body. Chlorine and silicon naturally fight germs and bacteria, and fluorine can help prevent diabetes, according to a study published in 2000 by Nature's Prescription Milk.
Drink goat milk regularly to help fight a few diseases, such as tuberculosis and HIV. Goat milk contains many natural antibodies that increase the body's immunity.
Limit the intake of all milk, including goat milk. Although goat milk has many health and immunity benefits, the presence of too much lactose and dairy in the human body can still have a negative effect on the immune system. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits in conjunction with goat milk for an overall and lasting immunity boost.