How to Tell the Difference Between Energy Bars
Compare ingredients in the energy bars. Energy bars provide energy by compacting carbohydrates, proteins, fats and sugars into a single bar. These bars are ideal for the dieter as they offer automatic portion control. Energy bars are high in carbohydrates because most bars are designed for consumption before a workout and the body burns carbohydrates easily. Some energy bars are very high in fats with up to 20 grams in each bar. It is important to read the labels carefully before consuming the bar to make sure it lives up to your nutritional expectations.
Compare the energy bars created for pre-workout, during workout and post-workout. Pre-workout bars are mainly made up of carbohydrates to help fuel your workout. During your workout, you will want to eat a bar to help sustain your energy so search for an energy bar that makes up 70 percent of its carbohydrates from quick-burning carbohydrates. This ensures the bar will not "sit heavy" in your stomach, making you feel nauseous while working out. Registered dietitian Kristine Clark recommends breaking the bar into small pieces and snacking on them throughout your workout. Post-workout; aim for a bar containing protein to help with muscle recovery. Look for an energy bar with soy or whey proteins for best results.
Choose a different energy bar for a snack or meal replacement. Snack bars should contain no more than 180 calories and should be rich in protein and fiber to help fill you up. Meal replacement bars should be at least 300 calories to ensure you get the same number you would get from a full meal, and should contain a balance of carbohydrates, fats, protein and be supplemented with vitamins and minerals.
Compare energy bars created specifically for women. Some energy bars target females and include extra Vitamin D and calcium, two items often missing from women's diets. Energy bars make it easy to eat a quick meal, and the combination of portion size and added energy boosters can help melt pounds for women looking to lose weight.
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