How to Take Noni Juice as an Antioxidant
Speak with your physician prior to consuming noni juice, as the juice significantly raises your potassium levels. High potassium levels are dangerous to those who suffer from chronic kidney disease or take high blood pressure medications including ACE inhibitors, potassium-sparing diuretics or angiotensin II receptor blockers, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Drink two ounces of noni juice daily. Drink one ounce in the morning and the remaining ounce in the evening, or at the same time in the morning, according to Nothing But Noni. Start off with one to two ounces to safely introduce the juice to your body, as it increases your potassium levels and induces loose, watery stools. Consult your doctor if you suffer from kidney issues or take blood pressure medication to determine a safe dosage.
Consume the juice on an empty stomach, as your body is better able to absorb nutrients.
Gradually increase your juice consumption until you begin to notice results, which is a cleansing process that causes loose bowel movements. Once your body begins the detoxifying process, reduce your juice intake to one to two ounces daily.