How to Use Whey for Athletic Performance

Whey is a protein present in milk and is formed as a byproduct when milk coagulates to form cheese or yogurt. Whey is usually sold in powdered form for the purpose of supplementing a healthy diet. According to Whey of Life, "Whey proteins are both easily digested and have excellent metabolic efficiency." For athletes, whey can be used to fuel, repair and build muscle as well as provide caloric energy.

Things You'll Need

  • Whey powder
  • Water, milk or juice
  • Blender
  • Whey protein bars
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    • 1

      Read the recommended dosage and mixing instructions for your whey powder. Most powders will suggest 20 to 40 grams of whey protein to a cup of liquid such as water, milk or juice.

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      Pour the protein powder and liquid into the pitcher of your blender and blend on high speed until smooth.

    • 3

      Drink a protein shake before working out. According to Muscle & Body Magazine, "When you take in protein shortly before you work out, you provide your body with the aminos it will need to repair muscle damage caused by weight training."

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      Repair muscles after working out by consuming a whey protein shake. Muscle & Body Magazine suggests having the shake as soon as possible after finishing your workout to send "nutrients to your muscles to begin the healing process."

    • 5

      Snack on whey protein bars between meals. A protein bar typically contains between 10 and 20 grams of protein. Athletes require a high caloric intake to compensate for their high caloric burn, so ensure you're consuming enough by eating one or more bars each day.

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