How to Increase DHEA
Consult with your doctor about your current dietary needs, health ailments and concerns. Ask her how she thinks a DHEA increase may benefit you, and at what levels. If desired, have your doctor check your existing levels to help you both make an informed determination about how much of a DHEA increase you should seek.
Purchase a quality DHEA supplement from a trusted nutritionist or health supplement retailer. Purchase it in the correct dosage your doctor recommended, and in enough quantities to last you at least three months. This is the best way to gauge if the supplements are affecting you the way you'd hoped.
Incorporate regular exercise, meditation and other stress-management techniques into your life. Along with triggering other health concerns, stress levels can interfere with normal adrenal function and suppress the DHEA levels naturally occurring in your body. A well-planned exercise regime can help to increase levels naturally. Consult with your doctor about which type of exercise regime is best for your fitness levels and health goals.
Get a full night's sleep every night, whenever possible. Sleep deprivation affects adrenal function and lowers DHEA levels in the body. It can also contribute to stress levels, which further suppress DHEA levels in the body.
Eat a diet rich in foods that help your body manufacture DHEA naturally. This includes soybeans and wild yams. Include foods with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, such as olive oil, salmon and flax seeds. These foods help the body absorb DHEA more easily.