How Does Vitargo CGL Work?
According to, Vitargo CGL combines creatine with vitargo, a sugar-free carbohydrate. Other creatine formulas combine creatine with simple sugars such as dextrose, which spike insulin levels before creatine levels reach their peak. Supposedly, this results in less creatine absorption than if both creatine and insulin levels spike simultaneously.
Creatine is a natural chemical compound that improves muscle strength, explosiveness and recovery. reports that vitargo has a higher molecular weight than dextrose, which allows it to pass through the stomach faster than simpler, lower-weight sugars. The quick absorption minimizes the effect the supplement has on your stomach and passes to the small intestines, where absorption occurs.
Two studies offer data that Vitagro CGL accomplishes what it claims. However, supplementation is not a substitute for gym work. For Vitargo CGL to work, you must adhere to a rigorous weight-training regimen that incorporates proper nutrition and adequate recovery time.
Due to the insulin spike, diabetics should consult a physician before taking this product. Stay hydrated while taking any creatine supplement to prevent cramping.