How to Gain Weight Effectively
Eat foods that are high in calories but have nutritious value. Whole-grains, avocados, nuts, potatoes, lean meats and fish are some examples.
Increase the caloric value of meals and snacks. Try adding powdered milk to casseroles or wheat germ to cereal, yogurt and shakes. Other high calorie options to add to meals are avocados, olives and fruit. A popular combination for weight gainers is adding meat to pasta, which is a great way to load on carbs and give your body essential weight-gaining protein.
Do not skip meals. Eat at consistent times. Plan your meals at specific times and set reminders. Eat three generous meals with at least two snacks in between.
Increase your portion size. Double the amount of food on your plate and eat slowly to avoid shocking your system.
Exercise with weights. By adding weight training to your workout routine, you will add muscle mass.
Consider taking a creatine supplement. Creatine is an acid that helps provide energy to nerve cells and muscles, and helps with rapid muscle and weight gain. Add this supplement to protein shakes or mix with water to increase energy and enhance performance and stamina. Creatine helps the muscles absorb more water and lets the body build muscle more rapidly by being able to workout longer and rebuild faster.
Keep a journal. Write down what you have eaten and what exercises you have done during the day. Write down the calories you are taking in and how many calories you are burning during workouts. Your body needs to take in more calories than it is burning to gain weight effectively. Calorie King's website allows users to look up calories in foods and drinks and to keep a food diary online. This website also allows you to keep track of the exercises you are doing and the calories you are burning. This comparison will help you keep track of your diet in a visual and convenient format.