What Is Vanadyl Sulfate Used for?

Vanadyl sulfate is a trace mineral discovered in 1801. It is thought to be a co-factor in some nutrtional enzymatic reactions. Also called vanadium, it is popular with bodybuilders and shows some promise in controlling insulin in diabetics.
  1. Sources

    • Dietary sources of vanadium include mushrooms, shellfish, parsley, dill weed, black pepper, soybeans, grains and corn, with the average diet supplying 6 to 18 mcg daily. Only about 5 percent of what is ingested is absorbed.


    • Several small studies have tested vanadyl sulfate with diabetics. One found most improvements in fasting glucose and hepatic insulin resistance with 50 mg twice daily. Another found improved insulin sensitivity at 100 mg per day. Still another examined dosages of 75, 150 and 300 mg per day and found significant improvement in glucose metabolism in those taking 150 and 300 mg. At 300 mg, there was also a decrease in total cholesterol.


    • Vanadyl sulfate is a popular supplement with bodybuilders who report an increase in vascularity and muscle "fullness" when 60 mg is taken 20 minutes prior to a workout. Some studies show that vanadyl sulfate increases the rate which carbohydrates and protein enter muscle cells. It may divert sugar from fat cells, reducing the amount of fat your body stores.

    Side Effects

    • Mild gastrointestinal problems have been reported with taking therapeutic doses of 50 mg twice daily of vanadyl sulfate. A daily intake of 10 to 100 mcg from food sources is considered safe. Use caution when combing with blood sugar-lowering medications, as this can cause hypoglycemia.

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