Comparison of Salba to Hemp Seed
Benefits of Salba
Salba is made from the seeds of the salvia hispanica plant. It is high in calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C, and also contains zinc, vitamins B and A, and omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. It is also rich in dietary fiber, making Salba a good digestive aid. Consuming Salba can slow the metabolizing of carbohydrates, making it beneficial to diabetics.
Benefits of Hemp Seed
While hemp seeds are the seeds of the plant cannabis sativa, they contain none of the psychoactive properties of marijuana. Instead, hemp seeds are high in nutritional content--over half the nutrients found in hemp seeds are nutrients considered vital for life. Hemp seeds are high in protein, and, like Salba, contain omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. It is often lauded for its desirable ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, which experts have concluded should ideally be 4:1, and which in hemp seed is approximately 3.4:1.
Comparative Benefits
One of the primarily touted benefits of both Salba and hemp seed are their generous concentrations of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 essential fatty acids. These concentrations are very similar with regard to the two seeds: Salba leads in omega-3, at 2.5 grams per serving; while hemp seed contains more omega-6 and omega-9 per serving.
Salba is unique in its ability to affect the process of metabolizing carbohydrates. It also has the low-calorie advantage: it contains 46 calories per serving to 64 for hemp seed.
Hemp seeds contain significantly more iron and protein than Salba, and its total fat content is also lower. Despite minor differences of this kind, it is indisputable that both seeds boast impressive health benefits.