Forms of Squalene Supplements
Liquid squalene supplements are sold in most health stores that carry nutritional supplements. It can be consumed by adding it to your favorite recipe. Some prefer to simply ingest a spoonful of the liquid each day. Although the liquid form will leave a fishy taste in your mouth, many insist on using the liquid form because of the health benefits.
Squalene gelcaps allow consumers to take squalene in pill form, reducing the taste associated with liquid squalene consumption. You simply take one or two gelcaps by mouth every day, using water to help wash it down. After swallowing the gelcap, the stomach will break down the outer coating so the body can absorb the healthy squalene. You can find squalene supplements at most health and nutrition stores.
Squalene is being introduced into many cosmetic and skin care products because it is a natural lubricant that provides moisture to the skin. Our livers naturally produce some squalene, so using it topically wouldn't introduce a foreign material to your skin. The antioxidant properties of squalene are believed to prevent the damage that leads to the breakdown of collagen and elastin in your skin. It can help relieve skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis and is also helpful for chronic dry skin. You can simply apply the liquid squalene supplement to your skin or purchase a cosmetic product, such as lotion, that includes squalene in its formula.