What Is Betaine HCL Used for?
The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine reports that people with asthma, gallstones and allergies often have low stomach acid levels. Taking betaine HCI with meals can improve these conditions, by increasing nutrient absorption and alleviating food sensitivities. Betaine HCI serves as a treatment for anemia, diarrhea, excess candida yeast, hay fever and inner ear infections, and can also act as a lipotropic, the Gale Encyclopedia points out, preventing the accumulation of fat in the liver.
WorldHealth says that doctors usually administer betaine HCI in dosages ranging from 325 to 650mg, and urge patients to take consume the medication with a protein meal.
Side Effects
An unusually large dosage of betaine HCI can burn the lining of the stomach, according to WorldHealth. If this occurs, you should discontinue taking the supplement.