Side Effects of Fish Oil Supplements in Children
Positive Side Effects
Fish oil seems to have a positive side effect in babies and is thus being added to baby formula ingredients by some manufacturers. Studies have shown improvements on tests of mental development and vision, according to About Omega 3. Similar studies have shown that fish oil fats given to babies actually increased their adult intelligence. Fish oil has marked effects on children with attention deficit disorder and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), including helping children stay focused and in control of their actions. Fish oils protect the heart and boost school performance. Adults with low levels of omega-3 are more likely to be mildly depressed, impulsive and pessimistic than those with higher levels. According to Guardian, scientists have found that omega-3 can help children with borderline autism, ADHD or dyspraxia. Parents can give children sardines on toast; fish pie with herring, trout, or mackerel; or a pasta bake with fresh tuna hidden in tomato sauce. Regardless of the method used, pure fish oil should be used.
Negative Side Effects
As of 2010, scientists were not aware of any negative side effects of fish oil supplementation. The supplements are simply oil from fish and contain no dangerous ingredients. It's just like eating fish, minus the contaminants. While some argue that fish oil supplements offer no guarantees or even connections to better behavior, some studies reveal just the opposite.
Fish oil benefits include improvement or prevention of depression, cancer, heart disease, depression, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, hyperactivity, ADHD, diabetes and arthritis. It also reduces blood triglyceride levels, blood pressure, risk of dangerous abnormal heart rhythms, risk of stroke, risk of heart attack, and joint stiffness and tenderness associated with rheumatoid arthritis. The current recommendation is that fish be eaten twice a week; one portion should be oily.