Q10 Deficency Symptoms
High Blood Pressure
The coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, has been recognized according to the Mayo Clinic as slightly decreasing systolic blood pressure -- and potentially decreasing diastolic as well. Therefore, with that benefit in mind, you could experience an increase in blood pressure for both if you suffer from a deficiency in Q10. Since your body gets Q10 in three potential ways, the reason for your deficiency must be pinpointed before you can address any symptom due to Q10 deficiency.
Exercise Intolerance and Chest Pain
Clogged arteries can prohibit your ability to exercise because it limits the amount of blood flow that can course through them and provide needed oxygen to other parts of your body, including your muscles. Clogged arteries can also cause your heart muscle to produce chest pain. The Mayo Clinic states that Q10 supplementation has been recognized in several small studies to benefit people who have clogged arteries. In fact, Q10 has been shown to help in some instances with heart protection when an individual undergoes bypass surgery. Suffering a deficiency in Q10, therefore, has the potential to reduce exercise capability for those suffering from clogged arteries and to allow the return of preexisting chest pain.
Chronic Fatigue
An increased dosage of Q10 in the deficient body have been shown to help reduce migraines, chest pain and asthma (when combined with other therapies), according to the Mayo Clinic. Those three symptoms are also symptoms experienced with the condition of chronic fatigue. Hence, a deficiency of Q10 can help bring about these three symptoms, as well as hinder the ability to help address two other chronic fatigue symptoms: loss of memory and unexplained muscle pain.
Blood Sugar and Other Considerations
If you decide to take Q10 supplements to treat your deficiency of Q10, be aware of several facts. First, Q10 could lower your blood sugar levels. So if you are diabetic or hypoglycemic, consult your doctor before beginning Q10. Second, if you have a bleeding disorder or you are on medications that increase that risk, consult your doctor before starting Q10 supplements. Lastly, Q10 can potentially lower blood pressure. If you are already on medication to lower your blood pressure, this could lower it even more, and to a dangerous level in conjunction with your medicine. Consult your doctor before beginning Q10.