Is Fish Oil Good for Teens?
Fish Oil Benefits
Fish oil, particularly from mackerel, salmon and sardines, is known to be particularly heart healthy. It is also linked to improvement of depression and bipolar disorder. Teens who do not get enough fish oil in their diets each day can also use supplements.
Teen Boys and Depression
Findings from a Japanese study have shown that fish oil can aid in fighting depression in teenage boys. In adults, the same benefit has been inconclusive. In the journal "Pediatrics," it is pointed out that male Japanese high school students with symptoms of depression had reduced or disappearing symptoms when they had regular fish oil intake. It did not, however, seem to help teenage girls.
Brain Power
A study was performed in Durham, UK, that involved 12 local schools. Preteens and teens with learning problems were given fish for the omega-3 fatty acids. It was shown that many of those problems decreased after a year. This attests to theories that fish oil can aid in brain development in kids and can also boost concentration.