What Vitamins Improve Sleep?
The oft-repeated advice to drink a glass of milk at bedtime appears to be rooted in fact. Calcium is one of the most effective vitamins to improve sleep, particularly when found in food. This common vitamin has a sedative effect, calming the body and allowing for easier sleep, and some scientists believe that calcium is better absorbed at night. Adults may take up 2,000 mg of calcium in separate doses, preferably after meals or just before bed. Or opt for healthy high-calcium foods including yogurt, sesame seeds and dark leafy greens such as spinach and bok choy.
Similarly to calcium, magnesium is a vitamin whose calming effect on the brain can help bring about sleep. Magnesium is also crucial to help the body absorb calcium, making important to get the recommended amount (up to 1,000 mg of Magnesium daily for adults). Those with insufficient magnesium levels commonly experience nervous feelings that keep them from getting a good night's sleep. Symptoms of this deficiency including muscle spasms, diminished appetite and nausea. In addition to supplements, you can get your daily fill from magnesium-rich foods such as almonds, cashews and wheat bran.
B Vitamins
Several studies have revealed the sedative effect of B vitamins, which help to calm the nerves and prevent insomnia. According to the National Institute of Health, Vitamin B12 can affect the body's circadian rhythm, helping you nod off quicker. Studies have also shown that B complex can be effective in treating nighttime leg cramps that can wake you or lead to less deep sleep. Furthermore, it appears that people who don't get sufficient levels of B vitamins may suffer more anxiety and sleep-related disturbances. Adults are advised to take 50 to 100 mg of vitamin B6, 25 mg of B12 and 100mg of B5 to help reduce stress and prevent insomnia.