Methods of Detoxing with Dandelion Tea
Dandelion Leaf Tea
Making your own dandelion leaf tea is a simple process. If you are using dandelion leaves from your yard, wash them thoroughly. Do not use dandelion leaves from lawns or other areas that may have been sprayed with pesticides. Dandelion leaves can also be purchased at most health food stores. To make the tea, simply place 1 to 2 tsp. of dried dandelion leaves in hot water and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink up to three times daily.
If the tea is too bitter, add natural sweeteners like honey or orange slices to taste. Instead of placing them directly in water, put the leaves in a stainless steel tea ball or wicker tea cup basket if you have one, eliminating the need for straining.
Dandelion Flower Tea
Dandelion flowers are most often used to make dandelion wine, a drink that is known to cleanse the blood. To make dandelion flower tea, simply place several clean, organically grown dandelion flowers into hot water and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink. As with dandelion leaf tea, the bitterness can be counteracted with natural sweeteners like fruit slices, honey or agave nectar. Drink up to three times daily.
Dandelion Root Tea
The dandelion root is the most commonly used part of the dandelion for health purposes. The root should be purchased in dried form (at least 1 year old) from a health food store. To make the tea, simmer 6 tbsp. of dried dandelion root in water for 20 minutes and strain. This mixture can be combined with 6 tbsp. of fresh dandelion leaves, covered, and steeped for another 20 minutes. Strain and drink up to three times daily. Add sweetener to taste.
Store-bought Dandelion Tea
There are many brands of dandelion tea available for purchase at grocery and health food stores. One popular brand, Yogi DeTox Tea is made of a blend of organic dandelion, burdock and other herbs. Store-bought teas are a good choice for those who find the homemade teas too bitter or time-consuming. Simply steep the tea bag in hot water and drink up to three times daily.