Okra Pepsin E3 Facts
The company that produces Okra Pepsin E3 is Standard Process Inc., based in Palmyra, Wisconsin. Nutritional supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); however, Standard Process has registered with the FDA their claim that Okra Pepsin E3 has bowel-cleansing properties and that allantoin, an ingredient in Okra Pepsin E3, benefits skin health.
An Okra Pepsin E3 capsule contains 100 mg of okra powder, 20 mg of pepsin and 15 mg of tillandsia plant extract. The preparation also includes orchic acid from cows, carbamide, alginic acid and allantoin. The remaining ingredients are lactose, gelatin, water, calcium stearate and colors.
Standard Process provides no scientific studies on effectiveness of the Okra Pepsin E3 product, or resources for studies on components on their website. There are also no publicly available studies on Okra Pepsin E3. Standard Process also states that the product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. Therefore effectiveness of the product cannot be judged. However, Standard Process does claim that the allantion component promotes skin health and the Okra Pepsin E3 product has bowel-cleansing capabilities.