The Best Fat Burners for Bodybuilders
MuscleTech Hydroxycut Hardcore X
Hydroxycut Hardcore X is MuscleTech's newest addition to the Hydroxycut fat burning products. It contains 300 mg of caffeine for its thermogenic properties; L-menthionine, which aids in fat metabolism; choline bitartrate, which helps the liver to maintain proper fat metabolism; oleic acid for appetite suppression; and capscium, which can elevate internal body temperature while increasing fat burning thermogenesis.
BSN Atro-phex
Atro-phex by BSN contains ingredients, such as rasperry ketones, which can prevent fat synthesis; phenylalanine for appetite suppression; and citrus aurantium, which is a thermogenic ingredient. Atro-phex also contains a diuretic compound through the use of isopimpinellin. Cinnulin, a cinnamon extract, is also in the ingredient profile, which decreases blood sugar.
Nutrex Lipo 6x
Lipo 6x is the newest formula based upon the original Lipo 6. The base ingredients of caffeine, synephrine, yohimbe, guggulsterones and bioperine are all the same potency with the inclusion of some new ingredients. Conjugated linoleic acid and oleic acid are in the formula, both which reduce fat mass according to the National Library of Medicine. Hordenine is also in the formula, which has benefits in fat and weight loss through its ability to stimulate norepinephrine.
Gaspari Nutrition Mitotropin
Mitotropin from Gaspari Nutrition contains 3207mg of ingredients divided into three complexes. n-acetyl l-carnitine is in the product, which transports fat to be metabolized in the cell. Undaria pinnatifida extract is also in the formula, which comes from seaweed and is known to boost metabolism and burn fat without causing jitters. Capsicum will rev up your metabolism by increasing your body's internal heat, and the metabolites 3,3 diiodothyronine and 3,5 diiodothyronine will increase the metabolic burn through thyroid precursors.
Universal Nutrition Animal Cuts
Universal Nutrition Animal Cuts contains ingredients, such as synephrine and octopamine, which are useful thermogenics. L-carnitine is in the formula for its transportation role in fat burning. Animal Cuts also contains diuretics through the use of dandelion and uva ursi extract, which will eliminate excess water. The product also contains alpha lipoic acid and two types of chromium to help modify blood sugar levels.