What Are the Dangers of Protein Drinks?
Lead Exposure
Lead is one of the heavy metals found in protein drinks. According to Paul Napoli, in his article, "Consumer Reports Warns of Protein Drink Dangers," the exposure to lead can cause damage to the brain and nervous system and slow the growth of children and teens. Children suffer more serious effects from lead exposure than adults because of the way it affects a child's brain and nerve development. It can cause high blood pressure, reproductive problems and muscle and joint pain in adults.
Arsenic Exposure
Arsenic also appears in some protein drinks. According to The New Zealand Food Safety Authority, traces of this metal occur naturally in most organic and inorganic food, including water. Arsenic also acts as a pesticide. Exposure to arsenic can cause irregular heart beat, nausea and vomiting, decreased production of red and white blood cells and damage to blood vessels. If you ingest sufficient levels of arsenic, it can even result in death.
Cadmium Exposure
No one knows the accepted fatal dose amount of cadmium some people can recover from mild exposure. However according to Samuel Uretsky, in his article "Cadmium Poisoning", an amount as low as 10 milligrams can bring on symptoms of poisoning. Exposure to cadmium over long periods of time can cause coughing and shortness of breath; extreme exposure can result in liver and kidney damage. Cadmium is also known to cause cancer.
Excessive Protein In The Diet
Excessive protein in the diet (making up more than 30 percent of the daily caloric intake) can cause a buildup of toxic ketones. This causes the kidneys to work really hard to flush the toxins from the body. As the kidneys work to eliminate these toxins, the body can lose a large amount of water, resulting in dehydration. Dehydration not only puts stress on the kidneys but it can also have an effect on the heart.