What Is Bee Propolis Made Of?
Propolis actually consists of a resin that ooozes from tree bark and plants. Also called "bee glue," the bees blend the resin with wax they secret from their abdomens. The chemical composition of propolis differs depending on the plant from which the bee collected the resin.
Bee propoplis consists of over 150 chemicals, including flavonoids like quercitin and apigenin. Flavonoids, often found in fruit, have high levels of antioxidants. Propolis also contains high amounts of caffeic acid phenethyl ester, which helps to fight inflammation and cancer, according to scientists from the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas.
Although the chemical composition of propolis varies, an average sample contains 55 percent resin and 30 percent beeswax, according to an analysis by Draper's Super Bee Apiarie website. The remaining parts include 10 percent oils and 5 percent bee pollen.
Propolis can be clear, but more commonly appears yellow or dark brown. The color depends on where the bee collected its resin. Warm temperatures make propolis soft and sticky, while cooler temperatures turn it hard and brittle.