CoQ10 100 mg Benefits

CoQ10, or coenzyme Q10, is naturally produced in the human body; levels appear to diminish with age and in patients with certain diseases such as Parkinson's disease, cardiovascular disease or cancer. CoQ10 also appears in dietary sources such as whole grains, oily fish such as salmon and organ meat such as liver. Taking 100 mg per day of CoQ10, in conjunction with a healthy diet, may replenish low levels of CoQ10 and potentially provide other health benefits.
  1. Treating/Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

    • CoQ10 shows promise in potentially preventing and helping to treat heart disease. The supplement improves the production of cellular energy, reducing the formation of blood clots and preventing damage caused by free radicals. According to Peter H. Langsjoen, M.D., with the University of Washington, CoQ10 appears in high concentrations in the cells of heart muscles; severe CoQ10 deficiencies may contribute to heart failure. The Mayo Clinic concurs, and stats that CoQ10 may aid in treating and preventing heart disease, preventing recurrence of heart attack, and improving conditions such as mitral valve prolapse. More detailed studies are needed since no evidence currently exists that definitively links the supplement to cardiovascular benefits.

    Slow Parkinson's Disease

    • According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), taking regular CoQ10 may slow the progression of Parkinson's disease if taken in the early stages of the disease. A 2002 NINDS study suggested that the supplement may improve the function of mitochondria, which generate cellular energy and potentially protect areas of the brain that are damaged by Parkinson's disease. The Mayo Clinic also suggests that CoQ10 has potential in treating Parkinson's disease; however, both NINDS and the Mayo Clinic point out that further large-scale research is needed to confirm the supplement's benefits.

    Minimize Damage from Free Radicals

    • Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, antioxidants may prevent cellular damage from free radicals: unstable molecules produced in the body during normal digestion and after exposure to chemicals such as radiation, environmental pollutants and tobacco smoke. Taking a 100 mg supplement in addition to eating a balanced diet may enhance CoQ10's ability to neutralize free radicals in the body and potentially prevent or minimize the damage from free radicals.

    Lower High Blood Pressure

    • According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, taking CoQ10 supplements may lower high blood pressure levels within four to twelve weeks of beginning supplementation. The Mayo Clinic concurs that there is "good" scientific evidence supporting CoQ10's use in decreasing blood pressure levels; however, as the Mayo Clinic cautions, long-term research is needed to support and strengthen the recommendation.

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