Toxins in Fish Oil
Varying levels of mercury compounds are found in fish depending on the location, age and size of the fish. Mercury damages the brain and kidneys and has a harmful effect on the digestive and nervous systems as well, with greater risk in the developmental stages of youth. In oil form, mercury levels are lower than in most fish that are eaten. Reputable companies use smaller fish and select types along with a better refining process which greatly reduces the amount of mercury in the oil. Higher quality refining techniques will show in the price.
Dioxins are chemical contaminants produced by combustion such as herbicide manufacturing, pulp and paper manufacturing, garbage incineration and even forest fires. Dioxins accumulate in the fatty tissues and can stay there for years. Exposure to these chemicals can cause an increased risk of cancer, reproductive and developmental issues as well as a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease. Unlike mercury, dioxins are relatively easy to filter out of the oil, so the levels are low in most cases.
Polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs are man-made chemicals. There are 209 different PCB molecules all formed from carbon, chlorine and hydrogen atoms. They do not dissolve easily in water and tend to stay around for very long periods of time. PCBs residing in the fatty tissues of fish, remain in the processed oil. The effects of PCBs on humans range greatly depending on the individual. The most common problems are increased risk of skin, liver and digestive system cancer. High levels of PCBs in the blood may be linked to cancer of the lymphatic system.
Levels of PCBs are found everywhere and are broken down by sunlight. Water dwelling life has higher levels of PCBs so it is important to find out how much is actually left in the oils and find a company that gives lower readings before you buy.