How to Refrigerate Fish Oil Capsules
Fish oil capsules offer many health benefits. The omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, help to lower triglyceride levels, reduce the risk of heart attack and ease inflammation. However, omega-3 fatty acids are also highly unsaturated, meaning they form compounds called lipid peroxides when exposed to air. These lipid peroxides can cause cell membrane damage, which can be harmful. One way to avoid this problem is to refrigerate fish oil capsules rather than store them at room temperature.Instructions
Choose fish oil capsules from a reputable company that tests for contaminants and other impurities such as mercury and dioxanes. The safest approach is to buy pharmaceutical-grade fish oil capsules, which are guaranteed to be free of impurities.
Check the expiration date on fish oil capsules at the time of purchase. If the expiration date is too close, don't buy them since they could be rancid even before they're refrigerated, especially if they've been stored on store shelves too long.
Buy dark glass bottles for storing fish oil capsules before refrigerating them. Dark glass helps to reduce exposure to air and light, two factors that can cause fish oil capsules to turn rancid more quickly.
Transfer the fish oil capsules directly into dark glass bottles immediately after purchase. Make sure the top is attached firmly to reduce the flow of air into the bottle.
Write down the expiration date with a marker on a piece of tape and attach it to the bottle. Discard all bottles once they reach the expiration date.
Place the bottles in a box and place a top on it. This shields the fish oil capsules from light each time the refrigerator door is opened.
Place the box on a secure shelf in the refrigerator and shut the door.